
Monday 2 January 2023

Common Skin Infections


All skin diseases can be conditionally divided into two large groups - contagious and non-contagious - i.e. not dangerous to others. 

The first group includes such common parasitic diseases as scabies and fungal infections (fungal skin diseases). The spread of diseases is promoted by migration of the population, crowding of the population, insufficient education of the population about the disease, self-treatment, late seeking medical help, etc.


 This is a contagious skin disease caused by microscopic mites that "live" in the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. Infection with scabies occurs in the process of prolonged contact with the sick, through handshakes, wearing his clothes, especially underwear, using the same bed, not observing the rules of personal hygiene. The first symptom of the disease is pruritus, which intensifies at night, when the tick is most active. Small paired pink rashes and scratching appear on the patient's skin, first in places of favorite localization (thighs, abdomen, interdigital folds of the hands).

If the patient does not turn to the doctor in a timely manner, the rash spreads to the entire surface of the trunk and extremities. Often associated with pustular infection. With scabies, it is unacceptable to self-medicate. Even after a course of outpatient treatment, relapses of the disease sometimes occur. Only a doctor can provide qualified assistance.


  The next category of contagious skin diseases is associated with a fungal infection. One of the most common diseases is microsporia, or, as it is called in everyday life, "ringworm". Most often they suffer from children. Sources of infection can be sick kittens, cats, puppies, less often - adult dogs. The peculiarity of the disease is seasonal in nature - more often suffer from microsporia from August to October. The clinical picture is characterized by the appearance on the skin of round, red spots, the correct form with superficial peeling. Exfoliated scales are contagious.

Some parents exacerbate the situation without knowing it - they bathe a sick child, contributing to the spread of fungal spores throughout his body. As a result, dozens of new foci emerge. If you do not start treatment immediately, the infection from smooth skin is transferred to the head, affecting the hair, which, losing vitality, breaks, leaving "stumps" 0.5 to 1 cm long. Hence the name - "ringworm".

Lice (pediculosis) 

This is a contagious parasitic disease caused by lice. There are three types of lice: head, clothes and pubic. Infection most often occurs through close household contact or the use of the patient's things. When bitten by lice, severe itching occurs, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of multiple linear scratches, which can be complicated by a secondary infection. With pubic pediculosis, the presence of a rash with a reddish-bluish tint at the bite site is characteristic.

Treatment of pediculosis and scabies in each individual patient should be carried out simultaneously with anti-epidemic measures (disinfestation of hats, clothing, bedding and premises, etc.) The destruction of insects is carried out with antiparasitic agents.


 According to the same scenario, trichophytosis develops, the clinic of which is similar to microsporia. Its carriers are cats and dogs, rats and mice. Specific fungi - trichophytons - can also be transmitted from cattle. In addition, infection occurs through close contact with a sick person, using his clothes and bed, but this source of infection accounts for only 5% of the total number of diseases.

Varieties of this type of fungus can affect the skin of the feet. Most often this happens in public showers, where disinfection of rubber mats is missing or irregularly carried out; with those who wash without individual rubberized shoes. Clinical manifestations can be inexpressive: scanty peeling on the soles and in the interdigital folds is almost imperceptible. And only after years, or even decades, when a person is already at an advanced age, the picture changes radically: peeling intensifies, hyperkeratosis appears - thickening of the heels, nails become yellow or dark gray, easily crumble and break.

Various types of fungi are present on the body of a fairly large number of people, but favorable conditions are needed for the development of diseases: for example, increased sweating of the feet, decreased immunity, endocrine diseases, vascular disorders, close contact with the patient. Infectious skin diseases are curable. It is only necessary to consult a dermatovenereologist in a timely manner when the first signs of the disease appear, who will provide qualified assistance and take all necessary measures so that the people around the patient do not become infected.


 Prevention of infectious skin diseases can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Individual prevention 

     compliance with personal hygiene rules, using only individual clothes and shoes, washing hands, daily shower or bath, using rubber slippers in baths, pools, changing rooms, etc.,

     2. Preventive measures that are carried out during all types of medical examinations, medical examinations of the population, when a doctor, based on the results of a medical examination, can identify a patient. In addition, when registering microsporia in an organized team in order to prevent the spread of the disease among contact persons, sanitary legislation provides for medical supervision of all persons in contact with the patient - a three-time examination by a dermatologist is carried out with an interval of 15 days. Identified patients are removed from school visits, kindergarten and sent for treatment to a dermatologist. At school, kindergarten, the final (after isolation of the patient) and current disinfection is carried out.

    By Dr Sher jahan 

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