
Wednesday 15 February 2023

Best Cough Remedies

 Cough remedies of three national medical masters

Spring is the season of high incidence of cough.Spring is a wood, and the liver is also a wood. At this time, the liver qi in the body is particularly vigorous. If the liver wood is too prosperous, it will hurt the gold. The gold is the lungs. People with respiratory diseases or susceptible people should pay special attention.

 In spring, the rain in Lingnan meets the Huinan sky. The weather is humid, which is easy to breed germs, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. Clothes should be added in time to prevent colds and coughs.Today I brought you the precious cough relief experience of three national medical masters.

1.  National Medical Master

             Zhu Liangchun

  Professor Zhu has extensive experience in treating cough and has founded a number of famous cough treatments.

  1. For those who have wind, fever, influenza, or pneumonia with a long cough and phlegm fever as the main cause, Professor Zhu has created his own prescription for clearing the lungs and fixing cough based on many years of clinical experience.The specific prescriptions are as follows:

  *Golden buckwheat 20g, Houttuynia glutinosa 15g (lower back), white flower snake tongue 20g, sky pulp shell 12g, loquat leaf 10g, orange red 6g, Canglezi 10g, raw licorice 6g.

The whole prescription always focuses on clearing lung fever, reducing phlegm and turbidity, and opening the orifice.

  2. For those who have a long cough that does not heal and lung qi does not drop as the main pathogen, Professor Zhu commonly uses long cough pills to increase and decrease treatment. The prescription uses poppy husk and schisandra to gather the lungs and relieve cough, while alum is used to dispel stubborn phlegm. Almond puree can not only relieve cough and asthma, but also laxative, which can prevent the disadvantages of poppy husk astringent intestines.The whole prescription generally focuses on collecting lungs and lowering qi. "coughing for a long time is evil and debilitating, and it can only be astringent". Therefore, it is suitable for those who have been coughing for a long time and have little phlegm. Take it every night.However, those who are not clean of external evil should not take this prescription.

  3. Professor Zhu also has extensive experience in asthma and cough in children, and has created Wuzi Ding Cough Soup, which consists of Tianzhu 6g, Hexaxanthus 1g, Bai Suzi 6g, Huang Jingzi 10g, and Psyllium 10g.This prescription is better than coughing and antispasmodic. It is clinically suitable for children with whooping cough and chronic bronchitis who have a long cough and little phlegm.

  4. Professor Zhu's homemade ginseng and clam powder to treat deficiency cough, use red ginseng (or Prince ginseng 30g) and Beisha ginseng 15g each, schisandra 15g, 1 pair of gecko, wheat winter 10g, orange-red 10g, purple river cart 24g, and take it at the end of the study.It can be used regardless of internal injury, long-term cough, or those with false evidence of cough and asthma.

  In addition, Professor Zhu made good use of insect medicines to treat intractable cough.

  1. Professor Zhu believes that gecko is a good product for warming the kidneys and nourishing the lungs.And it is mostly used in clinical practice to treat intractable cough, and powders or pills are generally used during use.

  2. Professor Zhu also made good use of the hive to treat intractable cough in his clinical evidence.Take 3~5g of the hive and mix with 1 egg (shelled), beat well, put it in a pot over low heat, stir-fry without oil and salt, and take it once after a meal, 1 to 2 times a day, for about 1 week.

  However, it is worth noting that the sexual taste of insect medicines is mostly dry, so they are often compatible with blood-nourishing and yin-nourishing products, such as Dihuang or dendrobium; and insect medicines have a salty and cold sexual taste, and should be compatible with Xinwen products. Professor Zhu uses Guizhi drugs to accompany them, so as to control their bias and enhance the efficacy.

2.National Medical Master

             Yan Zhenghua

  Professor Yan's experience in treating cough medicine is mostly reflected in ”Shen“ and ”Qiao".

  1. If the patient is a person whose fever and evil are blocked in the upper focus, and the evidence has not been relieved, care should be taken to avoid scutellaria, berberine and other products that enter the body when taking the medicine. If the evil spirit follows the medicine into the body, it will hurt the righteousness in the body even more.

  2. For the symptoms of colds caused by the evil of wind chill, or the cough caused by the delay in healing, Professor Yan often recommends cough relief.

  3. If you see in the proofs that the evil of cold drinking exists at the same time as the evil of lung fever, and the stagnation of drinking evil is heavier than the hot evil, use Xiaoqinglong as a plaster; if the evil of drinking heat is difficult to distinguish between Bo Zhong, use Yue Zhong and Banxia Soup.

  4. For coughs with pulmonary yin deficiency as the main symptom, Professor Yan Zhenghua imitated Zhang Zhongjing's prescription of Mai Dong Tang, using Beisha ginseng, Mai Dong, Zhimu, Chuanbeimu, and Baibu to nourish yin and lungs, Dang Shen, yam, and atractylodes to nourish the lungs and qi. The whole prescription is used in combination with the medicine of nourishing the lungs and nourishing qi.

  5. “The lungs and the large intestine are in the same appearance”. In the process of clinical treatment of cough, Professor Yan pays special attention to the issue of whether the patient's stool is obstructed or not. For example, coughing at the same time has a blocked stool, which is manifested as dry stools and difficult to resolve. Almonds, whole trichosanthes, etc. Are commonly used to benefit the lungs and qi, and it is not easy to consume QI. Qi deficiency; If the patient's poor stool is manifested as the symptoms of toilet fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath, etc., White peony root and astragalus can be used in moderation. Qi-nourishing drugs, as well as yin-nourishing drugs, can help the smoothness of qi.

3.National Medical Master

             Li Zhenhua

  Professor Li believes that internal injuries and coughs are mostly evidence of mixed reality and reality. In the clinical treatment process, in addition to treating the cold and heat of the lungs, attention should also be paid to the conditioning of other organs.Professor Li believes that the three organs of the liver, spleen and kidney are most closely related to cough.

  1. Cure phlegm to cure cough.Professor Li treats the cough caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach and the dysfunction of the health of the spleen, which leads to poor discharge of the evil of phlegm and dampness. The cough caused by the storage in the body is greatly reduced by making good use of the six gentlemen of Xiangsha.

  2. Cure qi to cure cough.In clinical practice, Professor Li often uses asking patients about their daily emotional activities as the key to dialectical treatment of chronic cough. For patients who often feel uncomfortable in life, or sad and depressed, or are anxious or irritable, bupleurum, citrus aurantium, turmeric, magnolia, cyperus and other medicines can be used as appropriate to relieve liver qi while treating the lungs, but the dosage of such drugs should be cautious and should not be too much to avoid consuming qi and hurting yin.If there is severe liver qi stagnation, which causes the depression to turn into heat and fire for a long time, and burns the lungs, prunus, trichosanthes, cicada, gardenia, peony peel and other liver-clearing and fire-relieving drugs should be added as appropriate during treatment.

  3. For those with chronic cough and kidney deficiency, or kidney deficiency and inability to moisturize the lungs and yin, Professor Li often makes good use of steamed Shouwu, dendrobium, dogwood and other medicines to achieve the health of mother and child.

  Solemnly declare:

  Due to the different physiques and conditions of each person, the prescriptions and doses in this case are only applicable to the patient's condition at the time in this case.Without the dialectical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the prescription and dose in this case may not be copied and used.If necessary, the majority of readers should go to a regular hospital for treatment so as not to delay their condition.

             By Dr Sher jahan
             General Physician at
             Government Hospital Chilas
             Northern Areas Pakistan

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