
Saturday 7 January 2023

Early onset of Senile Diseases/Why do "senile diseases" find young people?


Why do "senile diseases" find young people? 

The data shows that the younger trend of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the world is obvious, and 15.3% of the diseased and high-risk groups are between 20 and 29 years old. 

 Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other "senile diseases" tend to be younger. Professionals said that young people suffering from "geriatric diseases" are generally related to personal bad living habits. To avoid getting these diseases prematurely, young people should enhance their health awareness, develop good living habits, face work and life pressure, and find the right medicine. Disposal way, intervene in bad mood in time. 

 "What can diabetics eat to promote wound healing?" 

"What can people with high blood sugar eat to increase nutrition and improve immunity?" 

 Recently, on a social platform, in a "diabetes and hypertension communication group" with nearly 2,000 people, a person who just checked After entering the group, young patients with diabetes asked urgently. The reporter noticed that the members of the patient communication group include middle-aged and elderly patients over 50 years old, and there are also young patients.Why did you get diabetes at a young age? Through consultation with doctors, the reporter learned that in recent years, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become more common among young people, and diseases that were originally mostly middle-aged and elderly patients are gradually becoming younger. 

 How can young people prevent "geriatric diseases"?  

  Liu Huilin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Geriatric Medicine of Peking University Third Hospital, said in an interview that the key to avoiding "geriatric diseases" for young people is to have a correct concept of health, control high-risk factors, and regularly Physical examination and source control keep the causes of these diseases away from ourselves.

" Huang Liang from Jiangxi is a diabetic patient. He told reporters that he was only 14 years old when he was diagnosed with diabetes and was still in junior high school. Huang Liang still remembers that one day in June 2020, he was in the classroom and suddenly felt uncomfortable. He thought it would be fine, but he didn't get over the whole day. He persisted until he got home from school, and even vomited more than. The family members took him to the hospital urgently for an examination, only to find that the blood sugar level was as high as 30 mmol/L, and the doctor diagnosed him as diabetes. 

Mr. Li from Guangdong is also a young diabetic patient. The 27-year-old has always felt that he is in good health. He usually likes to drink sugary drinks and eat spicy strips. He hardly eats breakfast and often stays up late to play games. It wasn't until the first half of this year, after being diagnosed with diabetes, that Mr. Li realized that he had to start "paying" for his previous indulgences. "At that time, the doctor said that my disease had a lot to do with my personal living habits." Mr. Li told the reporter that the disease had a great impact on his life. Huang Liang showed the reporter his discharge record two years ago. The discharge diagnosis was clearly diabetic ketoacidosis. The discharge doctor's order required adherence to insulin therapy and dynamic monitoring of blood sugar.

"Now I have to inject four injections of insulin every day, and monitor my blood sugar every day." Huang Liang told reporters helplessly. This fall, after he entered high school from junior high school, he was supposed to live in school, but because of the daily insulin injections, he could only apply for a dormitory. Day reading. "I have to run back and forth three times a day between school and home." Young people suffering from "senile diseases" are related to bad living habits. In addition to diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are also increasingly "targeting" young people. Liu Huilin said, "Plainly speaking, 'senile diseases' can generally be divided into two types:

 one is osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other diseases caused by natural aging of the human body; the other is Diseases that both the elderly and young and middle-aged people will suffer from, such as diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc." 

 "Young people suffering from 'senile diseases' are generally related to their bad living habits." Liu Huilin said that during her consultations, young patients were diagnosed when they went to the hospital due to long-term irregular life and unhealthy diet. 

 The reporter learned in the interview that, in addition to family genetic factors, many young people with diabetes have been in a sub-healthy state for a long time. High work pressure, sedentary; irregular meals, unbalanced nutrition, overeating; long-term smoking and drinking, less exercise and other bad living habits are common. Not long ago, the topic of "a guy with 4 cups of milk tea a day was found to have multiple geriatric diseases" attracted attention in China. According to reports, the 24-year-old from Liuzhou, Guangxi is used to drinking at least 4 cups of milk tea every day. After developing symptoms such as abdominal pain and nausea, he was diagnosed with various diseases such as diabetic ketoacidosis, acute kidney injury, and acute pancreatitis. 

The "White Paper on Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health of China's Young and Middle-aged People" jointly released by the National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases in 2019 shows that the trend of younger people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China is obvious, and the proportion of people aged 20 to 29 who are sick and at high risk has already It reached 15.3%, and the treatment status of young and middle-aged people with diseases and high risks is not ideal, and 64.4% of them have not received medical treatment.

If you are over 20 years old, measure your fasting blood lipids at least once every 5 years. 

"A 20-year-old's body has a 60-year-old problem", "I can't carry it on my shoulders, I can't lift it with my hands", "I can't breathe every now and then, and I feel like my life is hanging by a thread"... Behind the ridicule is more and more young people's worries about their own health. "For young people, the first thing is to develop good living habits, healthy diet, regular sleep, and proper exercise. At the same time, in the face of work and life pressure, they must have the correct way to deal with it, and timely intervene for bad emotions." 

 The "Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke(referred to as the "Standards") recommends that people over the age of 35 have their blood pressure measured at least once a year. 


  For those with normal blood sugar screening results for the first time, it is recommended to screen at least once every 3 years. 

  Adults over 20 years old should have fasting blood lipids measured at least once every 5 years; it is recommended that people over 40 years old should be screened for stroke risk factors. The "Standards" also make it clear that healthy adults can do aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week; sedentary people need to stand up and move for a few minutes every hour of sitting; the types of diet should be diversified so that the intake of energy and nutrients tends to Reasonably, eat a balanced diet that includes whole grains, beans, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and dairy and is low in total and saturated fat. 

Experts believe that Young people's health awareness needs to be enhanced urgently, and their awareness and inspection rate of diseases need to be improved. In addition, health science popularization should be strengthened so that young people have a correct understanding of the prevention of "geriatric diseases". For teenagers in their teens, parents should take responsibility for health education, supervise and guide their children to eat healthily, and avoid health problems caused by going their own way. 

   By Dr Sher jahan 

  (From authentic sources) 

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