
Sunday 8 January 2023

Top 9 Most Common Age-Related Medical Conditions Affecting Older People/Geriatric Diseases

Most Common Age-Related Medical Conditions Affecting Older People/Geriatric Diseases

Late autumn is the time when various common diseases of the elderly are in high-incidence.Effectively preventing several major common diseases of the elderly and caring for the health of the elderly are related to the quality of life of the elderly in their later years. 

 Experts remind that there are nine common "geriatric diseases"

         1. acute myocardial infarction,

         2.  senile rheumatism,

         3.  osteoporosis,

         4.  senile dementia, 

         5. cataract,

         6.  senile vaginitis,

         7.  dental disease in the elderly,

         8.  dermatitis in autumn and winter in the elderly, and 

         9. senile plaques warts 


          The elderly should be prevented as soon as possible, and if they are already sick, they should receive standardized treatment.

1 Osteoporosis 

  Pain relief or calcium supplementation alone does not improve and the postmenopausal women are the most "favored" group of people with osteoporosis because of their decreased estrogen levels and poor calcium absorption capacity. Without calcium supplementation, bones are like empty houses without beams and are easily injured by external forces.There are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of osteoporosis, so it is easy to be ignored. The patient will not take the initiative to seek medical treatment until a fracture occurs. The spine, wrist bone, hip bone and other parts are common fracture sites in the elderly. "Among them, kyphosis in the elderly is one of the common manifestations of osteoporosis." Zhang Ping(Ortho expert from China) pointed out that many people think that osteoporosis is a trivial matter, actually not. Fractures caused by osteoporosis may lead to paralysis in severe cases, which greatly reduces the quality of life of the elderly. Pain relief or calcium supplementation alone cannot fundamentally improve bone condition. He reminded that calcium supplementation should be combined with vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption. At the same time, a protein-rich diet is the first choice for the daily diet of osteoporosis patients. In addition, insist on exposing to the sun for 30 minutes before 10:00 and after 16:00 every day to promote calcium absorption.


2. Elderly vaginitis 

   Decreased estrogen levels and lack of sex life are the main reasons According to Li Cuilan(a Gynecology expert from China).In a healthy state, the pH of the female vagina is between 3.8 and 4.4. This pH environment can best maintain the health of the female vagina and inhibit the growth of bacteria. Changes in the pH of the vagina may cause pathogenic microorganisms to multiply and cause vaginitis. With the growth of age, the ovarian function of women gradually declines, the estrogen in the body decreases, the vaginal mucosa gradually shrinks, and the vaginal wall becomes thinner, which is most obvious around menopause. In this case, the self-defense ability of the vagina decreases, and it is easy to be invaded by bacteria and cause infection when the systemic resistance is low or the vulva is unclean and vaginal manipulation occurs, leading to senile vaginitis. "Decline in estrogen levels and lack of sex life are the two key causes of vaginal dryness and fragile vaginal skin in middle-aged and elderly women." Li Cuilan reminded that vaginitis is divided into specific vaginitis and non-specific vaginitis, and senile vaginitis belongs to the latter.In the latter, there is no one specific drug that can cure it. Moderate and healthy sex life is the best way to prevent senile vaginitis and maintain the vitality of vaginal skin. "For women before and after menopause, it is also a good way to maintain the vagina by using some exogenous estrogen to improve the vaginal environment."


3 acute myocardial infarction 

    Seek immediate medical attention when chest tightness or pain occurs According to Chen Ximing (A Cardiovascular Medicine expert). After autumn, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly gradually increases. "In the past week, the outpatient visits to the  Hospital of Guangxi Medical University have increased significantly compared to before, with more than 500 visits per day, 80% of which are elderly patients suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, and heart failure." He said, In the past two weeks, the department has treated nearly ten elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction. Chen Ximing analyzed that when the weather turns cold and the temperature difference between day and night increases, the blood vessels of the elderly with high blood pressure will shrink in the cold, making it relatively difficult to control blood pressure. 

     Especially the elderly who use air conditioners or electric blankets at night, body fluids are easy to evaporate, which will lead to insufficient effective circulation, and are more likely to form thrombosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and other diseases in the arteries.

  Some elderly people with coronary heart disease are prone to emotional over-excitement and sympathetic nerve excitement, resulting in coronary plaque rupture. . At the same time, eating a large amount of saturated fatty acids  will lead to blood viscosity, increased heart load and other factors will make acute myocardial infarction more likely to occur. Chen Ximing reminded that after autumn, elderly people suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases should insist on taking medicine to control blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, and prevent overeating. At the same time, keep warm to prevent hot and cold, so as to avoid the aggravation of cardiovascular diseases.

   In addition, when the elderly have symptoms such as chest tightness or chest pain, they should go to the hospital in time. Once acute myocardial infarction is diagnosed, minimally invasive coronary interventional surgery can be performed in time to revascularize in order to reduce the risk of death, increase the survival rate, and improve the prognosis.


4 Elderly rheumatism 

  Low back pain, arthralgia in old age cannot be cured, you should see a rheumatologist According to Zhang Jianyu(A Rheumatology expert from Guangzhou Medical University).

   Common rheumatic diseases in the elderly include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, Sjogren's syndrome, systemic vasculitis, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, scleroderma, etc. . "Pain in the joints of the lower extremities will not only make the elderly inconvenient to move, eat poorly, have trouble sleeping, and some joint pains, it may even be a manifestation of rheumatism affecting internal organs." Zhang Jianyu said that because elderly patients often have osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, etc., the diagnosis of rheumatism is interfered or ignored, and some inflammatory masses caused by rheumatism are often mistaken for The other tumors and these elderly patients with rheumatism did not receive timely and accurate specialist treatment, which made the elderly not only suffer from physical pain, but also may cause internal organ failure due to rheumatism. "Therefore, if the elderly have symptoms such as limb and joint pain, they should not be taken lightly, especially those with recurrent symptoms, long-term cure, and multiple other symptoms."

   Zhang Jianyu reminded that to prevent senile rheumatism, we should pay attention to the following aspects:

 * one is pain in the waist and legs, joint pain, etc. If the treatment effect is not good, especially when multiple symptoms are combined, you should see a rheumatologist in time; 

 * Keep the air fresh, 

 * Keep the bedding dry, 

* light and warm, and do not sleep in the vent; 

* Wash with warm water to promote blood flow in the lower limbs;

  For the elderly who already suffer from rheumatism, they should pay attention to a light diet and balanced nutrition. Different patients with rheumatism should have different dietary taboos, and they need to consult a rheumatologist or nutritionist.


5. Dementia 

   You should be vigilant if you have a state and mood that is different from usual Senile dementia, scientific name Alzheimer's disease, is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by insidious onset and progressive cognitive impairment. According to Zhou Borong(A chief physician  at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University), surveys show that there are about 6 million Alzheimer's patients in China, accounting for 25% of the world's total. The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease among the elderly over 65 years old is 4.8%, and it increases to nearly 30% over the age of 80. According to Zhou Borong's analysis, the highest risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is aging. 

   In addition, emotional disorders such as depression and long-term insomnia may lead to Alzheimer's disease. There are very limited drugs to effectively treat and alleviate the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the international community pays more attention to the early prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Zhou Borong reminded that the most prominent symptom of Alzheimer's disease is memory loss, and he often cannot remember whether he has taken medicine, changed clothes or taken a bath. At the same time, fidgeting, constantly rubbing hands, yelling or walking back and forth, even refusing to eat and receive treatment... These may all remind the family that the elderly may have suffered from Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, when the elderly appear in a state that is inconsistent with their daily state and emotions, such as inexplicable laughter, anger over small things, unwillingness to go out to meet people, anxiety and asking back and forth for the same thing, it is to remind the family to pay special attention.

Zhou Borong said that family members should also take cognitive function and emotional symptoms as routine inspection items in the physical examination of the elderly, and detect changes in time for early biological diagnosis and inspection.

6. Cataract 

   Patients whose vision drops below 0.3 should be operated  According to Li Donghao,An Ophthalmology expert  of Guangzhou Medical University. Cataract is the world's first blinding eye disease, of which senile cataract is the most common type, and it is more common in middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old. It is a degenerative change of the lens after aging. , is the result of a variety of factors, and the incidence increases with age. Its pathogenesis is not fully clear but age, occupation, gender, ultraviolet radiation, diabetes, hypertension, genetic factors and nutritional status are all risk factors for senile cataract. "There are more than 3 million people in my country who are blinded by cataract alone, and more than 500,000 new cataract blind people are added every year, " According to Li Donghao. 

   Senile cataract can be divided into initial stage, expansion stage, mature stage and overmature stage. The main symptoms are vision loss, blurred vision, change in color tone of objects, photophobia, black spots in front of the eyes, double vision and multivision. , phakic myopia (the myopia deepens, and glasses need to be replaced frequently), etc.; in the late stage, vision can drop to the number of fingers or light perception in front of the eyes. Generally, there is no red pain symptom. When some patients have obvious vision loss, due to the expansion of the lens, the anterior chamber becomes shallow, and the outflow of aqueous humor is blocked, which can lead to acute attack of glaucoma.If the swollen lens is not removed in time at this time, it may lead to permanent blindness; some patients are not treated in time when their vision is severely reduced in the mature or over-mature stage, which will cause uveitis, lens dissolution glaucoma, corneal edema, pupil and lens Complications such as extensive adhesions can also lead to permanent blindness. "Although cataract is the main cause of blindness and visual impairment, cataract blindness is curable." Li Donghao said that drug treatment has no definite effect, and surgical treatment is the only direct and effective method for cataract. Therefore, for the elderly whose vision is gradually declining, they should think about the possibility of cataract and go to the ophthalmologist in time. For cataract patients whose vision drops below 0.3, it is recommended to undergo surgical treatment in time.


7. Autumn and Winter Dermatitis 

    Dry weather and dehydrated skin are the main causes according to Weng Zhisheng, Chief Dermatologist at  Guangzhou Medical University, said that in the autumn and winter seasons, the number of elderly people who come to the dermatology clinic for dermatitis increased significantly, accounting for about 10% of the outpatient visits. The main symptoms of dermatitis in autumn and winter in the elderly are dry skin and itching all over the body. Especially after taking a hot bath and lying in bed, they can’t help scratching. Some people scratch their skin because of this, and some spend the whole night. None of them can sleep well, and some even have underlying diseases induced by poor rest. Weng Zhisheng analyzed that dermatitis in autumn and winter is mainly caused by dry weather and lack of water in the skin. Sweating is less in autumn and winter, and the secretory function of the sebaceous glands of the elderly has begun to degenerate, making them particularly prone to winter dermatitis. Weng Zhisheng reminded that to prevent autumn and winter dermatitis in the elderly, we should pay attention to the following points:

     a. Do not use overheated hot water to scald the skin, use warm water under the premise of not being cold, overheated water will damage the skin stratum corneum and reduce resistance; 

     b. Do not frequently use highly alkaline soap or body wash, mild or moisturizing bath products are sufficient, and the elderly with particularly dry skin can even use body wash every other day; 

     c. Apply moisturizing lotion as soon as possible after bathing, especially on the parts that are easy to dry, such as the outside of the limbs, to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly;

d.Cotton clothing should be used for personal clothing. Chemical fiber clothing is prone to static electricity and aggravates dehydration. 

e.Once dermatitis occurs, if the above-mentioned symptoms are still not relieved, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Under the guidance of the doctor, you can take appropriate oral or external medicines to relieve symptoms.

f. Do not use folk remedies indiscriminately and excessive scratching to prevent complications such as allergies and infections.


  8.Dental disease in the elderly 

    According to Shi Jianjie, chief physician of the Department of Stomatology of Guangzhou Medical University, the incidence of dental disease in the elderly has reached 90%, mainly manifested as periodontal disease, dental caries, dentin hypersensitivity, and tooth loss. In the outpatient department of Stomatology, the number of dental outpatient visits for the elderly accounts for 70% of oral diseases. According to Shi Jianjie's analysis, the most critical factor leading to the occurrence of periodontal disease is poor oral hygiene, the decline of the resistance of the elderly themselves, and more sensitive teeth.

    Dental plaque (commonly known as tartar) and dental calculus,over time, the teeth will gradually loosen, the periodontal tissue will shrink, and the roots of the teeth will be exposed. Eventually, the teeth will loosen and fall off, and the toothache will be unbearable and pulled out. Tooth loss seems to be a trivial matter, but when all the teeth are lost without fillings, the chewing function of the elderly is reduced, the diet is restricted, and the nutrition cannot keep up with the needs of maintaining health, which can easily lead to anemia. Periodontal disease is the main cause of tooth loss in middle-aged and elderly people, so preventive care must be done.

Shi Jianjie reminded that to prevent dental diseases, the elderly must first learn to brush their teeth correctly. "The vast majority of us brush our teeth every day, but many people brush their teeth in the wrong way." He said that the scientific frequency of brushing teeth is 2 times a day, 3 minutes each time, and 10 minutes after meals is the golden time for brushing teeth. When the food has not completely adhered to the periodontal area, cleaning is easier. For tartar that is difficult to remove with toothpaste, it should be cleaned with dental floss to avoid accumulating and eventually causing major problems. 

Elderly people must pay attention, when choosing a toothbrush, try not to use a hard-bristled toothbrush to avoid damage to the gums. Secondly, the elderly must pay attention to the balance of nutrition in order to avoid periodontal tissue atrophy. Even the elderly who have a poor appetite must supplement protein and vitamins, moderately supplement calcium, and enhance the anti-infection and repair ability of periodontal teeth. At the same time, the elderly should avoid eating too much sweets, because sucrose is a breeding ground for dental plaque. Third, tooth cleaning is the main method to prevent periodontal disease. Brushing teeth every day cannot avoid stubborn tooth stains. Check every 3 to 6 months. If dental plaque appears, go to tooth cleaning immediately.

Fourth, after the tooth falls out, the tooth should be filled in time, and the tooth loss should not be regarded as a trivial matter. After the tooth falls out, it first hinders chewing food and affects nutrient absorption. Secondly, the position where the tooth falls off is an excellent place for bacteria to hide. Not filling the tooth is like leaving a small room for bacteria, waiting for it to settle in at any time.

9.Senile Plaques and warts 

     Significant enlargement or hemorrhage should undergo pathological biopsy According to Liao Nong, Chief  Plastic Surgeon at Guangzhou Medical University, the most common skin problems of the elderly are senile plaques and senile warts, with an incidence rate of about 20%. It disappears on its own, and with age, more and more, affecting the cleanliness of the face, making people look older than their actual age; at the same time, in daily life, due to repeated stimulation by washing the face and other actions, it may become malignant over time. According to Liao Nong's analysis, in medicine, senile warts and senile plaques are caused by seborrheic keratosis of the skin and are benign diseases; they can appear anywhere in the body, and are often seen on the head, face, neck, and upper limbs. The cause of the disease is not yet clear, but it may be related to long-term sun exposure and family inheritance. The age of onset can occur between 30 and 40 years old, but it is common in the elderly, so it is commonly called senile plaques and senile warts. Senile plaques are mainly dark brown patches, while senile warts can be manifested as smooth surface or verrucous protrusions, with hair follicle corner plugs, and the surface is covered with fatty crusts. The two can slowly merge and expand, and the color can vary from normal skin to dark brown, and most of them are not painful or itchy. Liao Nong believes that the elderly should also pay attention to protecting their skin and delaying skin aging. Because of seborrheic keratosis of the skin,It is often related to skin aging and slowing down of metabolism. Proper maintenance of the skin can effectively reduce seborrheic keratosis of the skin. For senile plaques and senile warts that have formed, laser treatment can also be performed. "If senile plaques and senile warts show obvious changes such as enlargement and bleeding, it is best to perform biopsy pathology to confirm the diagnosis."


      By Dr Sher jahan

   (From Chinese news aurticles)  

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