
Sunday 8 January 2023

How Cupping Therapy helps to reduce pain and inflammation/What is Cupping?

 How Cupping Therapy helps to reduce pain and inflammation/What is Cupping?

   You can relieve pain without taking medicine.

Cupping is an ancient healing method that may ease pain and encourage healing. When the body is in unbearable pain, in addition to painkillers, some physical therapy methods can also effectively help relieve or eliminate the pain. Recently, the American "Prevention" magazine published an article sharing 8 coups to combat pain summarized by physical therapists.

1. Identify the source of the pain. 

    It is very important to jump out of the painful area and find the root cause. For example, stiff calf muscles can lead to heel pain, and stiff hip joints can lead to knee pain. 

     2. Adjust the sitting posture. 

       Daniel Weiss, a physical therapist in New York City, said, "Many people suffer from acute and chronic pain in the waist and neck due to poor sitting habits." At your desk, the top of your computer screen is at eye level. The elbow joint is bent at 90 degrees, the wrist is in a natural state, the hips and knees should be bent at about 90 degrees, and the feet are naturally on the floor. 

       3. Bite your tongue lightly. 

    When the pain strikes, stick out the tongue and relax it, then gently bite on the tip of the tongue, and then tap the soft part under the chin with the thumb irregularly. This is a pain relief method designed based on the original reflex release technique. Physiotherapists say jaw muscles often tense when pain strikes. The method works because it relaxes the jaw muscles and confuses muscle sensations. 

    4. Get enough sleep. 

  Josh Sandel, a sports medicine specialist in Minneapolis, USA, said that maintaining adequate sleep is critical to helping the body fight inflammation, which is very harmful to causing body pain.

  5. Take proper rest. 

   When a new pain occurs in a body part, or a pain in a certain part has been lingering, people often use yoga stretching exercises to relieve pain. However, Jaycan, a registered clinical sports medicine expert in California, said, "When the body is in pain, what is really needed is rest. When the pain has not been relieved after a few days of rest and adjustments to activities, it is not too late to make a professional assessment." 

   6. Take a salt water bath. 

    For patients with muscle soreness or fibromyalgia, Kathleen Bender, a psychotherapist at the American Cancer Treatment Center at the Midwest Regional Medical Center, recommends putting two cups of Epsom salt, one cup of baking powder, and 1/3 cup of hydrogen peroxide in the tub. , take a salt water bath. Although there aren't many studies showing that Epsom salts are good for pain relief, many patients report that they are relaxing and relieve pain.

    7. Appropriate activities. 

     When the body is painful and stiff, reducing activity is necessary at the beginning of the pain or when the injury is serious. But prolonged inactivity can "cause muscles to become shorter and tighter, and joints stiff. Activity helps lubricate joints, stimulate circulation, and keep muscles strong and dynamic." If even light activity causes discomfort, consider swimming to reduce the impact of gravity on your body. Painful effects.

     8. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods. 

    According to Josh Sandel, foods that increase inflammation include red meat and meat products, sweets, and refined grains. Anti-inflammatory foods include vegetables, fish, cherries, blueberries and pomegranates. Plus, taking anti-inflammatory supplements like fish oil, ginger, curcumin, and zinc can help your body fight chronic inflammation.

        By Dr Sher jahan 


        (From News aurticles) 


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