
Saturday 21 January 2023

Symptoms of COVID-19/How to Cope with a Covid-19 Cough and Pain?

 What should I do if I feel pain all over my body?

The pathogenicity of Omicron virus has decreased, but the transmission speed is fast and the infectivity is strong. Many people reported that after they became "positive", they experienced pain all over their bodies.
What is the cause of this? How should it be alleviated?
    Regarding this issue, Cheng Biao, director of joint surgery at Tongji University Hospital explained relevant knowledge.

Cheng Biao said that under normal circumstances, the new coronavirus will attack the immune cells of the human body, causing immune overreaction, causing local mucosal damage and muscle damage, resulting in muscle soreness all over the body.
"If you add fever, it will also cause the accumulation of lactic acid in the microcirculation, causing local pain." Cheng Biao said that the pain may manifest in the back, waist, sacroiliac joints, and even limbs. If the pain is caused by the new coronavirus, timely symptomatic treatment is required, and if high fever occurs, cooling is also required.

Cheng Biao suggested that you can choose physical therapy and massage to relax and promote circulation, which is also very beneficial to the dissipation of lactic acid accumulation, or you can take anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs together, and it will be relieved soon.

"In short, after the new crown is positive, there may be pain all over the body. Don't be nervous, just treat the symptoms." Cheng Biao said.

Why does the cough persist after turning negative?

Recently, many citizens  have reported that after being infected with the new crown, even if the nucleic acid and antigen are negative, the symptoms of coughing still do not disappear, and some are even more serious.
After the new crown infection turns negative, how long will the cough symptoms usually last? What are the possible reasons for the persistent cough after turning overcast? What countermeasures should be taken?
  In this regard, Niu Hongtao, a physician in the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital,explained.

Post-infectious cough usually resolves in 2 weeks and may last up to 8 weeks
"The Omicron strain is mainly associated with upper respiratory tract infections, and secondary inflammation of the trachea and bronchi often occurs, causing coughing. At the same time, the virus causes damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and immune cells gather here to 'participate in the battle'. After completing the task, cough and expectoration to expel the secretions from the throat, trachea and bronchi to clean up the battlefield." Niu Hongtao said.
The process of clearing the battlefield will take a certain amount of time. Mild patients may continue to cough after the fever subsides, and generally recover within two weeks of onset. "However, as long as the airway inflammation persists, the post-infection cough may last up to 8 weeks." Niu Hongtao told.

According to Niu Hongtao, coughs can be divided into dry and wet. Most of the virus infections are the former, with no phlegm. However, some patients also have white and sticky phlegm or phlegm that is difficult to cough up, resulting in persistent cough.

"Coughing is a protective mechanism of the human body. Coughing after infection is common to many respiratory virus infections, so there is no need to be too nervous." Niu Hongtao emphasized, "Coughing will not stop after turning negative. It is recommended to drink more water, rest more, and talk less. Increase the temperature and humidity of the airway (apply the face with a damp, not hot towel, and inhale the steam) to promote the discharge of sputum."
If you cough for more than 3 weeks or your symptoms get worse, you should see a doctor in time. 

What measures can be taken to deal with persistent cough?

According to Niu Hongtao, drinking honey water or soup made with loquat extract, pears, etc., and humidifying the environment can help relieve coughing. "If you want to relieve cough, but there is no honey water around you, you can try to swallow honey repeatedly."

In addition to the above non-drug methods, you can also take symptomatic antitussive drugs to relieve cough. "Everyone's physical condition is different, and the reaction to drugs is also different. If the cough affects life, sleep, etc., it is recommended to go to the respiratory department of the hospital or consult online in time to obtain individualized treatment advice. At the same time, avoid smoking , stay away from polluted and pungent smelling environments.” Niu Hongtao said.

There are also some people who have coughing up sputum, and it is difficult to cough up.

In this regard, Niu Hongtao suggested taking expectorant medicine. "If the color of the sputum turns from white to yellow, and the amount is increasing, or even purulent sputum, it may be due to a virus infection that leads to a decrease in the defense of the respiratory tract, combined with a bacterial infection. It is recommended to take antibiotics for 3 to 5 days."

Niu Hongtao added that if there is hemoptysis (blood in the sputum), aggravated cough at night (or when changing body position), coughing up a large amount of yellow purulent sputum, fever, shortness of breath, dyspnea, chest pain and other original symptoms obviously aggravated, and lower limb edema Or cough for more than 3 weeks, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

What to do with the "cement nose" after "yang"? Experts explained.

Recently, many people reported that after being positive for the new crown, the nose has been blocked, becoming a "cement nose", which seriously affects daily life. So, in addition to following the doctor's advice for drug intervention, what other methods can relieve symptoms?
Regarding this,Yu Shaoqing, Director of Otorhinolaryngology at Tongji University Hospital explains how to flush the nose with salt water for the convenience of citizens.

"The new crown infection is mainly manifested in the upper respiratory tract, and the replication and outbreak of the virus occur in the nasal cavity or the oropharyngeal cavity." Yu Shaoqing said that by flushing the nasal cavity with warm saline, one can take away the dirty substances in the nasal cavity, and the other is It can wash away the replicated virus, and third, it can quickly restore the physiological function of the nasal mucosa and better resist the infection of the new coronavirus.

Yu Shaoqing said that there are a large number of clinical studies and reports abroad. After nasal saline irrigation, many patients can shorten the course of the disease. The original course of 5-7 days may be able to recover quickly in 3-4 days.

Yu Shaoqing emphasized that when flushing the nose with salt water, the temperature of the water should be close to body temperature, as overheating or cooling will irritate the nasal mucosa.
Secondly, the salinity of warm saline should be similar to that of normal saline, that is, 0.9%, or slightly higher, in order to better restore the nasal mucosa quickly.

Finally, a saline flush requires about two flushes a day.

How much water is enough to drink after "yang"?(Becoming Positive)

For citizens who observe and treat mild cases of the new crown at home, drinking water is a very important part.
So, how much water should you drink every day? How can I tell if I'm drinking too much water or not drinking enough? Is the drinking water standard for people of different weights uniform?
To explain this issue, Huang Shengsong, chief physician of the Urology Department at Tongji University Hospital, Shares relevant knowledge with citizens.

Huang Shengsong said that after being positive for the new crown, you must drink plenty of water, and sweat out the heat in your body. It can also moisten your throat, reduce coughing, dilute phlegm, promote metabolism and detoxification, and reduce the burden on liver and kidney functions. .

So, how much water should everyone drink every day? Huang Shengsong suggested that the daily drinking water should be 1500-1700 ml. However, when you have a fever, a large amount of water will be lost along with the respiratory tract and skin, so drink more water than usual at this time.
"Because everyone's body weight and body temperature are different, the amount of water to drink is not uniform. How to judge whether drinking water is enough can be scientifically judged by looking at the color of urine." Huang Shengsong said.

Huang Shengsong said that urine can not only detoxify, but also guide everyone to drink water scientifically. If the urine is light yellow, it means that the amount of drinking water is just right. If the urine is too yellow, it means that the urine is concentrated and the drinking water is insufficient. If the urine is colorless, it means that drinking too much water is easy to cause problems. "When you have a fever, you need to speed up your metabolism, so you can drink more than usual, and the color of your urine will be slightly lighter than usual." Huang Shengsong said.

Huang Shengsong reminded that warm boiled water is the main way to replenish water. You cannot replace water with a large amount of beverages, and you should drink it in batches. You cannot drink a large amount of water in a short time, otherwise it may cause water to accumulate in the body and affect cardiopulmonary function. In severe cases, it can cause water intoxication.

       By Dr Sher jahan
       General Physician at
       Government Hospital Chilas
         Northern Areas Pakistan
         (Knowledge from Chinese News Agency)

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