
Thursday 9 February 2023

How to avoid Myocarditis after Covid-19 Infection

Heart and Covid-19 

1. Moderate exercise during the recovery period to avoid myocardial injury

What impact will infection with the new coronavirus have on the heart? How to properly supplement nutrition during infection and recovery period? How likely is it to be reinfected by the new coronavirus? The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council organized relevant experts to answer the questions.

2. Get through the window period through healthy lifestyle management

"Most of the symptoms of the new coronavirus infection improve within 5 to 7 days and gradually recover, but there are also a small number of patients who will involve the myocardium, which usually occurs two weeks after being infected with the new crown. For example, there are some changes in the electrocardiogram, tachycardia or bradycardia, and sometimes Chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations and even syncope." Zhou Yujie, executive vice president of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, said that if the symptoms are serious, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time to check whether there is any change in myocardial enzymes. If myocardial enzymes are found to be doubled, the doctor will comprehensively judge whether there is myocarditis based on other corresponding examinations. In the event of myocardial damage, don't panic, you can pass the window period through healthy lifestyle management, so as to gradually repair it.

Young and middle-aged infected persons are more likely to cause myocardial damage. According to Zhou Yujie's analysis, young and middle-aged people are energetic and active, which can easily cause myocardial damage. It is very important for these people to have a balanced diet during the infection and recovery period, to maintain a balanced diet of sugar, fat, protein, etc., to work and live in moderation, and it is best not to stay up late.

3. Exercise in the recovery period should be moderate.

  Zhou Yujie said that strenuous aerobic exercise will cause a high heart rate and increased oxygen consumption, which is not conducive to myocardial repair; excessive anaerobic exercise, such as equipment exercise, will produce a large amount of metabolites such as lactic acid, which will accumulate in the myocardium and affect the recovery of the heart. Not good either. To control the exercise intensity, it is best not to exceed 1/3 of the usual exercise, and slowly return to the usual amount of exercise after two weeks.

Infected persons with cardiovascular diseases should pay special attention to protecting their hearts. Zhou Yujie said that during the period of infection and recovery, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable diet, achieve a balanced mentality, and avoid anxiety. Patients with cardiovascular disease should take medication under the guidance of a doctor, and should not increase or decrease medication at will.

4. Reasonable nutrition should be supplemented during the infection and recovery period

"Nutrition management should be carried out throughout the whole process of infection prevention and control." Yu Kang, a nutrition expert at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that after infection, people's appetite will weaken a little, and there will be symptoms such as bitter taste and decreased digestion ability, making it difficult to follow the usual routine. Eating habits supplement nutrition. Yu Kang suggested that, one is to eat small and frequent meals to try to reach the usual food intake; the other is to choose digestible foods as much as possible to ensure a variety of food types.

Symptoms have improved, appetite has recovered, and I can transition to semi-liquid food. Yu Kang said that at this time, you can choose yogurt, custard, noodles, noodles with minced meat, fish, tofu, etc., so that your energy and protein intake can gradually increase. Nutritional supplementation during the recovery period should be safe. The food during the recovery period should also be fine and soft, and eat slowly. After a period of recovery, slowly return to normal eating levels.

Some elderly people live frugally, have relatively monotonous food types, eat plain food, and have a weak nutritional foundation. Before infection, they were underweight or even mildly malnourished, resulting in poor immune status, and it is more difficult to treat them after infection. Yu Kang suggested that the daily diet of the elderly should be as diverse as possible and maintain a combination of meat and vegetables. On the basis of a normal diet, some nutritional supplements can be considered, such as protein powder, vitamin and mineral complexes, etc., which will help to maintain body resistance.

5. The probability of secondary infection with the same virus strain is extremely low

According to Xu Wenbo, a  Viral Disease expert at  the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the subtypes of the Omicron mutant strains discovered so far do not have characteristic genome mutations, and are generally imported into my country from abroad and become popular. In addition, a total of 31 subclades of Omicron variant strains have been found in imported cases since December, among which BA5.2 and BF.7 are dominant.

"The probability of secondary infection with the same virus strain is extremely low, and even if infected, there will be no serious symptoms, because the human body has an immune mechanism against infection with the same virus strain." Wang Guiqiang, An  Infectious Diseases expert at Peking University First Hospital, said that the so-called Secondary infection and multiple infections refer to the emergence of new mutant strains of the virus, immune escape, and reinfection. For example, the BF.7 subclade infected with the Omicron variant may infect other clades in the future. Therefore, individuals should still pay attention to protection, especially vulnerable groups such as the elderly should take precautions and actively vaccinate against the new coronavirus.

6. Antiviral drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor. 

 Wang Guiqiang said that the elderly and those at high risk of severe illness with underlying diseases should be detected and treated early after infection with the new coronavirus, among which early antiviral treatment is very important. Currently, oral small molecule drugs are available for antiviral therapy. After the infection is confirmed, it is better to use it within 5 days, but small molecule drugs have certain side effects and must be used under the guidance of a doctor.

"Elderly people with underlying diseases, especially those who are bedridden, are at greater risk of severe illness after infection, and they need to do extra health monitoring."

 Wang Guiqiang said that the patient's family or accompanying staff should closely monitor the respiratory rate and blood oxygen data of the elderly. It is recommended to equip a household oximeter at home. If the blood oxygen is lower than 95, oxygen needs to be given to the elderly; if the blood oxygen is lower than 93, it should be sent to the hospital in time.

              Dr Sher jahan 
              General Physician at 
              Government Hospital Chilas 
              Northern Areas Pakistan 
              (Knowledge from authentic sources) 

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