
Sunday 12 February 2023

Best Foods Remedies to Prevent and control Diseases

 15 "Food and Nourishing Remedies" to Prevent and Control Diseases


                      In order to give full play to the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention of diseases and protect the health of the people, according to the concept of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention of diseases, "the righteousness exists, and the evil cannot be done", the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, organized experts to study and formulate the "Guidelines for the Rehabilitation with Traditional Chinese Medicine during the High Incidence Period of Winter Epidemics in Guangdong Province in 2023".

First of all, self-examination of the tongue and clinical main symptoms are divided into cold and heat.

١. Pale, fat or moist tongue with tooth marks, usually afraid of wind and cold, cold hands and feet are mostly cold body constitution.

٢. Dry mouth and bitter mouth, red eyes, warm hands and red tongue, dry tongue and face are heat body constitution. 

  Combining the theories of "harmony between man and nature", "medicine and food from the same source", and "food for each person", if you are at home due to the new crown infection, you can refer to the following traditional Chinese medicine to treat the disease according to different symptoms. You can choose the following:, 

  Soup, One tea and one porridge are used as supplements in the diet to promote the victory over pathogenic factors.

What needs to be reminded is that those who have a history of allergies to the following ingredients are prohibited, and those with allergies should use it with caution. This dietary prescription is only used by the general population as a preventive and recuperative food, to assist in a reasonable diet when symptoms appear in the early stage. When the symptoms persist, please seek medical treatment in time for further diagnosis and treatment.

(1) Symptoms:


@Dietary Prescription for Cold Constitution

1. Ginger jujube tangerine peel cold soup


 12 grams of ginger (about 3-4 slices), 2-3 red dates, 5 grams of tangerine peel, 3 sections of northern scallion, 50 grams of onion, and 20 grams of coriander.

Usage: Shred ginger, shred tangerine peel, remove pits from red dates, cut green onions into small sections, shred onions, and cut coriander into sections, add 500ml of water to ginger, red dates, and tangerine peel and boil for 15 minutes, then add scallions, onions, and coriander for 5- 10 minutes, a little salt, drink up the hot soup at once, keep warm after serving.

Efficacy: Dispelling wind, relieving exterior and dispelling cold.

2. Shufengjiebiao Tea


3 grams of white tea, 3 slices of ginger with skin, 1 clove of tangerine peel, 1-2 slices of fresh lemon.

Usage: Boil white tea, ginger, and tangerine peel for 10 minutes, and finally add lemon to make a hot drink instead of tea. If necessary, you can re-boil for another drink.

Efficacy: Shufeng and stomach solution.

3. Brown sugar ginger tea


15-20 grams of brown sugar, 15 grams of ginger, and 3 grams of white tea.

Usage: Finely chop ginger, add white tea, brown sugar, and brew in boiling water, or boil for 10 minutes, drink while it is hot.

Efficacy: dispelling cold and relieving the exterior.

4. Porridge


50 grams of rice, 7-8 fresh onions with whiskers (to the white part), 5 slices of ginger, and an appropriate amount of mature vinegar.

Usage: Boil the water first, add rice and ginger and cook for 30 minutes, then add scallion white, cook until the rice is cooked, and finally add 5-10 ml of mature vinegar, stir well, season to taste, take it while it is hot.

Efficacy: relieve the exterior and dispel cold, replenish qi and harmonize the middle.

@Therapeutic Formula for Partial Heat Constitution

5. Radish and Celery Tofu Soup


 150 grams of white radish, 50 grams of celery, 30 grams of coriander, half a block of tofu, 15 grams of ginger, 30 grams of soybeans, and 50 grams of shredded lean pork if you have a good appetite.

Usage: Boil the white radish, ginger and soybean for 45 minutes. Then add celery, coriander, tofu, and shredded lean pork and cook for 5 minutes, then drink the soup hot.

Efficacy: evacuate wind-heat, reduce fire and relieve constipation.

(2) Symptoms: 

          * Sore throat, Dry mouth

6. Tangerine drink


1-2 pieces of salty citrus, add a little fresh lemon juice, add a little honey.

Usage: Crush the salty citrus, soak in boiling water, add lemon juice and honey and drink in portions.

Efficacy: clears throat and sharpens throat.

7. Horseshoe Sugarcane Drink


5 horseshoes, 250 grams of sugar cane, 300 grams of carrots, and 3 slices of ginger.

Usage: Dice water chestnut, sugar cane, and carrot and boil for 30 minutes.

Efficacy: promote body fluid and moisten dryness.

8. Fruit tea


1 apple and 1 pear each, add a little tangerine peel, 2-3 chrysanthemums, and 1 slice of ginger.

Usage: Cut the fruit, add other ingredients, boil for 20 minutes, it can be drunk hot, and it is also suitable for children.

Efficacy: clears throat and moisturizes throat.

9. Dark plum drink


 1 Ebony plum, 3 grams of licorice, 2-3 pieces of fresh mint leaves.

Usage: Soak in boiling water for drinking.

Efficacy: relieving sore throat and promoting body fluid.

(3) Symptoms:

                 * Cough

10. Steamed Oranges

Composition: 1 fresh orange.

Usage: Cut off the top 1/4 of the orange cover from fresh oranges, add 2 slices of ginger if you are cold, add some pears if you are hot, put the lid on the orange and steam in a pot with cold water for 15 minutes, drink orange juice after opening the lid, eat orange Meat.

Efficacy: relieve cough and sore throat.

11. Cold golden purple onion


5 grams of fresh jinbuhuan, 3 pieces of fresh perilla leaves, 50 grams of onion, and a little minced ginger.

Usage: shred onion and blanch in water, chop Jinbuhuan and perilla leaves into fine pieces, mix in minced ginger, add appropriate amount of salt, mature vinegar and sesame oil, mix well and eat.

Efficacy: Expelling wind, pharynx and stomach.

(4) Symptoms: 

               *Heavy head and body

12. Perilla Mint Ginger Tea


 3 grams of perilla leaves, 3 grams of mint leaves, 3 grams of white tea, 3 slices of ginger, 1 petal of tangerine peel.

Usage: Add all ingredients to boiling water and bake for 5 minutes.

Efficacy: relieve the surface and dehumidify.

(5) Symptoms: 

            *Nasal congestion and clear runny nose

13. Onion Soup


200 grams of chicken breast, 30 grams of coriander, 1/2 northern scallion, shredded onion, and a little ginger.

Usage: add chicken breast and ginger to boil for 10 minutes, tear the chicken breast into shreds, then add onion and cook for 3 minutes, season with coriander and scallion.

Efficacy: expelling wind and cold to clear the orifices.

(6) Symptoms: 

        *Dry nose and yellow runny nose

14. Chrysanthemum Horseshoe Soup


1 egg, 250 grams of water chestnut, 100 grams of carrot, 3-5 edible chrysanthemums, appropriate amount of water chestnut powder and rock sugar.

Usage: Add water chestnuts and carrots to boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, then add water horseshoe powder to make a starch slurry, slowly add it to the pot and stir well, finally add soaked chrysanthemums, and season.

Efficacy: clearing heat, moistening dryness and promoting body fluid.

(7) Symptoms:

            * Nausea, poor appetite

15. Rice porridge with minced meat


50 grams of minced lean meat, 50 grams of rice, shredded ginger, shredded perilla, a little oil and salt.

Usage: boil the rice with water for 30 minutes, put the minced lean meat marinated in oil and salt, together with shredded ginger and shredded perilla, and cook for 2 minutes.

Efficacy: invigorating the spleen, appetizing and relieving vomiting.

      Dr Sher jahan 
              General Physician at 
              Government Hospital Chilas 
              Northern Areas Pakistan 
              (Knowledge from authentic China's sources) 

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