
Tuesday 10 January 2023

How to Loose Weight with Vegetarian Diet/Best Tips to Loose weight Easily

 There is a way to lose weight with a vegetarian diet/Weight loss and Dieting, 
Recommended vegetarian nutrition recipes. 

Effective people think that as long as they don't eat meat and eat vegetarian food, they can lose weight. Is this really the case?

 In fact, eating vegetarian diet not only needs to pay attention to the method but also avoid misunderstandings, so as to truly achieve healthy vegetarian weight loss. 

 Let's take a look at how to lose weight on a vegetarian diet. 

Diet Misunderstandings of Vegetarian Weight Loss 

1.Think that all vegetables are equally good:

 There are many ways to lose weight, and you'd better choose your own method, so that the final weight loss effect will happen. For strict vegetarians, the nutritional significance of vegetables is more important, not only to assume the important task of supplying vitamin C and carotene, but also to contribute in terms of iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B2, etc. Among the vegetable varieties containing these nutrients, green leafy vegetables are the best, such as Chinese kale, green cauliflower, amaranth, spinach, small rapeseed, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum and so on. In order to increase the supply of protein, mushroom vegetables and fresh legume vegetables are good choices, such as various mushrooms, edamame, fresh peas, etc. If you only like a few so-called "weight loss vegetables" such as cucumbers, tomatoes, wax gourds, and bitter gourds, it will be difficult to get enough nutrients.

2."Vegetarian oil" is better than animal oil:  

 Awareness of weight loss is also very important, especially in terms of diet, you must pay attention to your own diet rules. Many of you vegetarians think that as long as it does not contain animal food ingredients, it is a food with high nutritional value. In fact, many processed foods are made of plant-based raw materials, but most of them are made of refined white rice and refined white flour, which remove the dietary fiber and add a lot of oil, sugar or salt, which cannot replace fresh and natural foods. 

 3.Health effects of food. 

   In response to people's preference for vegetarian and plant-based foods, some products even use "vegetable cream" as a promotional selling point, and in terms of the impact on blood lipids, this type of "vegetarian oil" is worse than animal oil. Many studies have confirmed that the "hydrogenated vegetable oil" contained in these products will introduce "trans fatty acids", which will greatly increase people's risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

   4. Next, recommend a vegetarian diet for everyone. 

 Vegetarian Weight Loss Nutrition Recipes:, 

 A. Braised Winter Melon 


  *500 grams of wax gourd, 

  *noodle sauce and soy sauce, 

  *clear soup, 

  *wet starch, 

  *scallion powder, 

  *MSG, and vegetable oil.


   Peel and wash the wax gourd, cut into 3 cm long, 2 cm wide and 1 cm thick pieces. Add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil in the frying spoon, and when it is 40% hot, add chopped green onion, ginger, and noodle sauce and stir-fry Can.

 B.   Hawthorn and kelp shreds 

   Raw materials: 

   *300 grams of Shuifa kelp,

    *100 grams of fresh hawthorn,

     *30 grams of white sugar, appropriate amount of green onion,

     * ginger, and cooking wine.


       Wash the kelp, put it in a pot, add scallions, ginger, cooking wine, and water, first boil it over high heat, then simmer it over low heat, remove it and cut it into thin strips, remove the core of hawthorn, and cut it into strips. Then, add shredded kelp and sugar evenly, put it into a plate, sprinkle with shredded hawthorn, and then sprinkle a layer of white sugar.


C. Poria tofu 

  Raw materials: 

  *500 grams of tofu, 

  *30 grams of Poria powder, 

  *40 grams of pine nuts, 

  *appropriate amount of carrots,

   *mushrooms, egg whites,

    *refined salt, cooking wine, 

    *clear soup, and rice noodles.


     Squeeze tofu to remove water, cut carrots into diamond-shaped thin slices, beat egg whites until foamy. Cut the tofu into small cubes, sprinkle with tuckahoe powder and refined salt, then lay the tofu cubes flat, spread egg whites, put mushrooms, carrots, and pine nuts on top, steam in a steamer for 10 minutes, and take them out. Pour the clear soup, refined salt and cooking wine into the pot and bring to a boil, add starch to thicken it, and burn it on the tofu. 

  D.   Vegetarian porridge for weight loss

      *Fresh fruit oatmeal:  

       Prepare the ingredients, and then start making. The ingredients for making fresh fruit oatmeal include

       * apples and oats, 

       * kiwi and cherries, 

      *  bananas, fresh milk, and raisins.

         Then you can start cooking. The first step is to cut all the fruits into shape. Boil a pot of water, add oatmeal to make porridge, the time should not be too long, about 3 minutes. Pour into bowls when cooked. Put the diced fruit into the oatmeal, pour fresh milk, sprinkle with raisins, and it's done. The beauty effect of this porridge is good, and it can lose weight. The weight loss effect is very good. Oatmeal is low in sugar and high in nutritional value, which helps the digestion of food. It is especially suitable for breakfast. The addition of cherries, bananas, kiwi and other slimming fruits can make this porridge more nutritious and give full play to the effect of weight loss and beauty.


E. Honey porridge for weight loss: 

     Honey can beautify the skin and lose weight. Honey can beautify and help to lose weight at the same time. Especially suitable for those who have a sweet tooth and want to lose weight. Moreover, there is wolfberry in the porridge, which is good for nourishing the liver, nourishing the kidney and improving eyesight. It is not only a weight-loss porridge, but also a kind of health-preserving porridge. 

     The materials used include, 

     *a proper amount of honey,


       *some rice and glutinous rice,

        Honey slimming porridge is a good choice. After washing the rice and glutinous rice, soak the rice until it swells, then pour it out, drain it, and cook until the rice grains bloom, then add honey and sugar, and stir well. When it is almost out of the pot, add some wolfberry and cook for another five minutes. The delicious honey slimming porridge has been successfully made. Friends who want to lose weight on a vegetarian diet might as well try the above recipes.


     By Dr Sher jahan
General Physician at
   Government Hospital Chilas
         Northern Areas Pakistan
   (Knowledge  from different sources)

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