
Saturday 14 January 2023

How Chinese Government deals with the Coronavirus Epidemic?Corona Virus Disease Prevention

 Chinese Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Plan 

 The Chinese State Council formulated a thorough plan on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus infection,to effectively maintain the order of production and life in rural areas.

(1) General requirements 

All regions and departments must fully understand the importance and urgency of the current epidemic prevention and control work in rural areas, effectively implement territorial and departmental responsibilities, coordinate and integrate resources and forces from all aspects, and implement epidemic prevention and control in a planned and step-by-step manner In order to form a scientific and effective joint force to deal with the epidemic situation, we should pay close attention to the work deployment and emergency plan. Focusing on "protecting health and preventing severe illness", take corresponding measures, focusing on the operation of the epidemic prevention system in rural areas, drug supply, severe treatment, protection of the elderly and children, etc., strengthen daily health services, highlight the management of key populations, and orderly guide the needs of diagnosis and treatment , provide classified medical and health services, protect the life safety and health of rural residents to the greatest extent, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on rural economic and social development.

2. Improving the grassroots epidemic prevention and control system 

١.  Give full play to the role of rural grassroots organizations.

 Strengthen the leadership of rural grassroots party organizations in the prevention and control of the epidemic, give full play to the role of village party organizations as a battle fortress and the advantages of other organizational resources, and promote the strength of village group cadres, village first secretaries and work teams, and rural party members to the front line , Take the initiative to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in a scientific and accurate manner. Innovate methods and methods, use grid management, refined services, and information support to improve grassroots governance capabilities and enhance the ability and level to respond to epidemics.

٢.Guarantee material reserves and supplies in rural areas. 

   In terms of funds, manpower, resources, technology, facilities and equipment, etc., increase support and guarantee for rural areas to deal with the epidemic, clear bottlenecks, remove obstacles, maintain normal production and living order, and effectively meet the basic living needs of the masses during the epidemic response. Ensure the supply of daily necessities and anti-epidemic materials in rural areas, and unblock logistics and distribution channels in rural areas.

٣.Do a good job in missionary education and guidance for rural residents. 

   In-depth promotion of patriotic health campaigns in rural areas, combined with the construction of healthy villages to carry out novel forms of science popularization activities popular among rural residents. Innovate forms and means, deeply promote the concept that "everyone is the first person responsible for their own health", promote scientific and rational understanding of the new coronavirus and vaccination, and improve self-protection capabilities. Give full play to the role of mainstream media, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, and summarize and promote good experience and good practices. Advocate staggered peak travel, minimize travel in high-endemic areas, and guide returnees to strengthen health monitoring. It is advocated to adhere to the norms of wearing masks, washing hands frequently when visiting relatives and friends, gathering as little as possible, eating less, and maintaining interpersonal distance in public places. Advocate a healthy lifestyle, regular work and rest, healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and maintain a good attitude. Advocate neighbors to help each other, share and exchange surplus epidemic prevention materials and therapeutic drugs. According to the regional epidemic situation and the wishes of residents, appropriately control the scale and frequency of gathering activities such as bazaars, temple fairs, and cultural performances. Strengthen the management of public closed places, and implement prevention and control measures such as ventilation and disinfection. Promote the change of customs in rural areas, guide the reduction and simplification of weddings, funerals, weddings and dinners and other activities, oppose extravagance and waste, strengthen consumption guidance, and avoid the rapid spread of the epidemic caused by the gathering of people.

(3) Improving the level of medical and health services in rural areas. 

 ١.Accelerate the production of anti-epidemic drugs. 

 Supervise and guide drug-related companies to go all out to ensure production, strengthen the supply of medical supplies such as masks and antigen detection reagents, speed up the production and supply of antipyretic, cough, and pain relief drugs, and simplify or implement small packaging for drugs that are in short supply. Guide the establishment of direct hotlines between villagers' committees and medical institutions, pharmacies, etc., and appropriately tilt the supply of medicines to rural areas according to actual needs.

٢.Strengthen the preparation of medical supplies. 

 Accelerate the improvement of corresponding equipment and drug allocation for disinfection, inspection and testing, and emergency rescue in rural areas. Strengthen the supply and reserves of antipyretic, cough, and pain relief drugs to meet the treatment needs of rural residents, especially high-risk severe and elderly patients. Make a good reserve of effective traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. Strengthen the reserves of emergency medicines and medical equipment. For county-level hospitals, township health centers, and village clinics, it is equipped with traditional Chinese medicine, antipyretics, and antigen detection reagents. Towns and villages with remote geographical locations and inconvenient transportation should prepare sufficient treatment drugs and epidemic prevention materials in advance.

٣. Stabilizing the drug market order. 

    Strengthen the market supervision of traditional Chinese medicine, antipyretic and cough-relieving drugs, and medical supplies such as antigen detection reagents, and severely crack down on illegal activities such as price gouging. Supervise and urge pharmacies in various places to operate normally, and not to shut down at will, so as to ensure the normal supply of drugs.

٤.Unimpeded drug purchase channels. 

  Unblock online and offline purchases of over-the-counter medicines such as antipyretics, cough relievers, antivirals, and colds. Under the premise of ensuring the safety of drugs, it is allowed to disassemble and sell scarce drugs to meet the basic drug purchase needs of rural residents. Increase the supply of therapeutic drugs and antigen detection reagents in rural areas, ensure the logistics and distribution of drug supply companies, provide convenience for express delivery companies, and ensure that rural residents can purchase normally.

٥. Improving the level of emergency treatment 

  A. Strengthen the construction of medical resources for severe and infectious diseases in county-level hospitals. 

     County-level hospitals are tertiary hospitals, and the construction and upgrading of comprehensive ICU monitoring units should be accelerated. Referring to the comprehensive ICU standard, immediately start the expansion and renovation of specialized intensive care beds other than the comprehensive ICU, and equip them with monitoring and treatment equipment that meet the needs of comprehensive intensive care. If the county-level hospital is a second-level hospital, it should set up an independent intensive care department, and build and renovate the intensive care unit according to the comprehensive ICU standard. Strengthen the construction of buffer wards and infectious diseases departments. Establish a mixed group work model composed of intensive care medical professionals and trained other specialized medical personnel. Urban counterpart hospitals should send critical care medical professionals to provide professional training for critical care, internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency departments, and other medical staff in county-level hospitals to improve their capabilities in critical illness identification, emergency response, and comprehensive treatment.

B. Scientifically carry out hierarchical and classified treatment. 

Asymptomatic infections and mild cases without serious underlying diseases should take self-care at home. If the service capacity of the township health center is exceeded, the patient will be referred in time under the guidance of the county-level hospital led by the county medical community. Ordinary cases, elderly asymptomatic patients with serious underlying diseases but stable conditions, and mild cases should be referred to sub-designated hospitals for treatment. Severe and critical cases with pneumonia as the main manifestation and cases requiring hemodialysis should be referred to designated hospitals for centralized treatment. Severe and critical cases mainly based on basic diseases, and those whose basic diseases exceed the medical treatment capabilities of township health centers and sub-designated hospitals, will be referred to county-level hospitals led by the county medical community for treatment. capacity of medical institutions. If the county-level hospital is not a tertiary general hospital or its capacity cannot meet the treatment needs of patients, it should be referred to the city's counterpart hospital in time. If the patient does not meet the conditions for referral, the city's counterpart hospital will send an expert team to the county-level hospital to guide the treatment. Give full play to the supporting role of information technology, and use remote consultation, remote diagnosis and other methods to ensure that patients receive timely and effective treatment. In the treatment, we adhere to the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and give full play to the unique advantages and functions of traditional Chinese medicine.

٦. Strengthen support for medical and health institutions in rural areas. 

       Based on the counterpart assistance relationship between urban and rural hospitals in the province, select the second-level and above general hospitals with strong comprehensive strength in the province's cities, and establish a counterpart assistance mechanism with counties (cities, districts, and banners) according to the principle of subdivision , Relying on the county-level medical community to do a good job in the connection of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, and improve the first diagnosis, reception and referral process at the grassroots level. Coordinate the deployment of medical personnel in the county, and increase the allocation of medical personnel in township health centers in combination with the service population and service volume of township health centers. County-level hospitals and township health centers have established echelons of medical and health personnel level by level. When there is a shortage of medical personnel in township health centers and village clinics, the echelon personnel will immediately fill them up by stationing and visiting medical staff.

٧. Do a good job in connecting patients with referrals. 

 Strengthen county-level overall planning and improve the rural emergency transfer system. On the basis of accelerating the allocation and deployment of ambulances by medical and health institutions, local governments immediately organize and reserve a batch of vehicles that can be used for patient transfer at any time to ensure timely transfer and admission of rural patients infected with the new crown virus. Appoint dedicated personnel to be responsible for connecting with township health centers, county-level hospitals, designated hospitals, sub-designated hospitals, city counterpart hospitals, transfer vehicles, etc., and establish a clear admission process and green aisle. Medical institutions at all levels and of all types must strictly implement the first-diagnosis responsibility system and the emergency and critical care system, and must not shirk or refuse treatment for patients infected with the new coronavirus for any reason.

(4) Strengthen the protection of key population groups in rural areas 

١.Establish an information database of key groups. 

 Find out the health conditions of the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women, widowed elderly and orphans, de facto unsupported children, left-behind children and other persons with underlying diseases in the village group, implement the "New Crown Key Population Health Service Work Plan", and improve key populations Electronic Health Records.

٢.Accelerate the increase in the vaccination rate of key populations.

       Implement the "Work Plan for Strengthening the New Coronary Virus Vaccination of the Elderly", scientifically evaluate the contraindications of vaccination, achieve "everything should be received", and accelerate the improvement of vaccine coverage, especially the coverage of the elderly. By setting up green channels for the elderly or arranging mobile vaccination vehicles to go to the villages and other measures, the vaccination of the elderly will be facilitated to the greatest extent.

(5) Establish green channels for key groups of people. 

    Ensure timely detection and timely treatment of those infected with the new coronavirus who are at high risk of severe illness such as elderly people with underlying diseases, clear and unimpeded referral green channels, and improve referral efficiency.

(7) Make overall plans to promote stable agricultural production and supply 

١.Grasp the stable production and supply of winter vegetables.  

 According to the production and supply situation of vegetables this winter and next spring, the target tasks of vegetable production will be clarified by region and classification, guide localities to strengthen policy, material, technology, personnel and other elements, strengthen the implementation of disaster prevention and mitigation measures, and ensure sufficient vegetable supply. At the same time, strengthen information guidance, promote the connection between production and sales, do a good job in scheduling guidance and coordination services, smooth transportation channels, and prevent and resolve the risk of unsalable agricultural products.

٢. Guiding localities to do a good job in animal husbandry production. 

 Supervise and guide key areas to actively help farm households relieve difficulties, unblock the transportation channels for materials such as forage, livestock and poultry, and products, and maintain the normal order of production and sales of animal husbandry. Print and distribute technical guidelines for animal disease prevention and control, and promote the construction of animal disease purification plants. Supervise and guide the localities to do a good job in the prevention and control of major animal epidemics in winter and spring and key zoonotic diseases, and firmly hold the bottom line of no major regional animal epidemics.

(٣) Guarantee agricultural production in winter and spring. 

   Do a good job in the pre-winter management of wheat and rapeseed, organize experts to formulate technical opinions on field management before winter, carry out tour guidance, and implement key technical measures such as suppression of winter wheat before winter, watering for overwintering, drought-resistant watering of winter rapeseed, scientific topdressing, and prevention and control of pests and diseases. In the face of possible periodic low temperature and cold waves, we should formulate scientific disaster prevention plans for this winter and next spring as soon as possible, make material reserves and technical preparations, focus on preventing drought, low temperature and freezing damage, etc., to ensure safe wintering. Plan spring agricultural production in advance, predict risks and make emergency plans to minimize the impact of the epidemic.

(٤) Break through blocked points to ensure the supply of agricultural materials. 

 Do a good job in scheduling the demand for agricultural materials such as fertilizers and pesticides for spring management as early as possible, make a good production reserve, strengthen the adjustment of surplus and shortage, strengthen quality supervision, and ensure production demand. Regularly implement the agricultural material supply guarantee mechanism, give full play to the role of the chemical fertilizer supply and price stabilization mechanism, strengthen communication and coordination between departments, timely study and judge and help solve difficult problems, and fully guarantee the supply of agricultural materials such as spring management.

(8)Compaction work Responsibilities 

١. Implement work responsibilities at all levels. 

 The joint defense and joint control mechanism of the State Council, together with the Central Rural Work Leading Group, will do a good job in overall planning and coordination, work guidance, consultation and response to common issues, and supervision and inspection. The fifth-level secretaries should focus on the prevention and control of epidemics in rural areas just like poverty alleviation. Provincial overall planning, city dispatching, and county and village implementation should be carried out. Responsibilities should be consolidated at all levels, and various measures for epidemic prevention and control should be implemented from village to household. Provincial party committees and governments take overall responsibility for the prevention and control of rural epidemics in the region, and formulate policies and measures based on the epidemic situation, local conditions, and actual conditions. Municipal party committees and governments are responsible for the deployment, arrangement, supervision and inspection of rural epidemic prevention and control work in the region. The county-level party committees and governments assume the main responsibility, and the main person in charge of the county-level party committees and governments is the first responsible person. The focus of epidemic prevention and control should be placed on rural areas. Townships and villages must implement the responsibility requirements for epidemic prevention and control organization, mobilization, coordination, publicity, and guidance to ensure that all tasks enter villages and households.

٢. Strengthen departmental Cooperation and Communication 

   Give full play to the role of joint prevention and control mechanisms at all levels (leading groups, headquarters), strengthen overall coordination, improve working mechanisms, strengthen communication and cooperation, and increase efforts in the prevention and control of epidemics in rural areas in terms of medicines, equipment, manpower, and funds. Rural work leading groups of party committees at all levels must establish corresponding working mechanisms to keep abreast of the developments in epidemic prevention and control in rural areas, coordinate and promote the resolution of major problems, summarize and promote effective practices and experiences, and establish a 24-hour on-duty and daily situation reporting system.

٣.Responding to the demands of the peasant masses in a timely manner.

 All regions and departments should collect problems reported by the masses by setting up problem reporting columns and publishing emergency contact numbers. The collected clues to the problems should be transferred to the relevant localities for verification and rectification within a time limit, and all localities should give timely feedback on the disposal situation to ensure that the problems reported by the farmers can be properly resolved as soon as possible.


     General Physician at
     Government Hospital Chilas 
     Northern Areas Pakistan 
     (Information includes from Chinese news) 

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